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Yangzhou Weather & Climate

See today's weather in Yangzhou

Yangzhou features humid climate in the subtropical zone, and its annual average temperature is 15¡æ. In July, its average temperature is 27.6¡æ. The coldest month is January, with an average temperature of 1.5¡æ. The frost-free season is about 222 days, and its duration of yearly sunshine is about 2,176.7 hours. In Yangzhou winter lasts from December to February, spring from March to May, summer from June to August, and autumn from September to November. The annual average precipitation is 1,030 millimeters, and about 45 percent of rainfall is concentrated in summer, 9.5 percent in winter and 22-23 percent in spring and autumn respectively. The rainy season known as "plum rain season" usually lasts from mid-June to late July. During this season, plum is ripening, hence the name plum rain.

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